Monday 4 November 2013

Lesson No.11 - Layering the Background in Oil Paint

I've decided to work on the right hand side of the painting now where there are trees in the distance and lots of orange rocks.  It looks a little daunting at first but if you start from the top and work your way down and forward you can paint it in layers.  As objects recede into the distance they lose their intensity in colour, sharpness and tone.  So starting from the top, I used Liquin mixed with my premixed muted colours and dabbed in foliage and tree branches, blending them into one another.  The Liquin gives a more translucent effect that softens edges.  You are also able to go over the same section again with slightly stronger colours and less Liquin.  It also dries quickly so you are able to do the final coat with no Liquin.  This is where I put in the larger orange trees.

I virtually used the same colours for the rocks.  We want the rocks slightly out-of-focus also.  I found it easier to break the rocks up into sections, gradually coming down the canvas.  With each fresh dab of paint I always work back a little before going forward so that the colours are consistent.


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